Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Presentation skills

It is necessary to organise the material in a logical way to make an effective presentation. That is first of all giving the introduction about the topic, the main body, conclusion and then summary.
There must be a planning that among the members who will talk first an on what title. Than when finished, we should know when to hand over to the other member. At last when the time for question and answering come, we should plan how to handle them.
It will be easier and effective if reading a script is avoided and break every talk in sections with a heading. Before going for the presentation, it is essential to do a rehearsing. It is because, it helps to reduce the nerves and to get confident for performance. It also helps you to be aware of timing and most importantly to improved our weakness and to know our strength. It is important to make sure that everything is set up before we start. while giving the presentation, it will sounds and look more effective when we speak slowly, confidently without reading the notes and making eye contact with the smile on face.

Effective communication

Communication is mode of exchanging the information between two or more then two parties. Similarly, effective communication means exchanging the information in clear and correct way. It means no one will get confuse or misunderstanding while communicating. If one person doesn't use effective communication then that might cause misunderstanding. In the same way, it is very important to have a staff with a effective communication skill in the organisation. It is because if the employee and employer  lack in effective communication, there is a high possibility of having misunderstanding between them. also there might be issue of lack of information, poor productivity due to poor performance in the organisation.Staffs might get de- motivated as- well and increase in staffs turnover. Therefore, it is very important to have and to use effective communication while exchanging the information to pass the correct information, to motivate the staffs, to produce a quality of productivity and to decrease the possibility of having misunderstanding. To have a staff with effective communication means to have a staff who can do good customer service, produce a good productivity and helps in solving problem as well.


A mind maps is a diagram which is use for presenting our concept and ideas. In the mind map there is always a main topic or subject. It is basically in Tree format. Using a diagram, we can show the words or ideas that linked to the main topic. Also the diagram is use to classify the main subject. It is a tool of visual thinking that helps in organising  information, analysing them, generating the new ideas and making decision.
The benefits of mind mapping is it helps to organise our thought and to remember them more easily. It also helps in solving the problem and brainstorming the new ideas. We can increase the productivity with the helps of this clarity. It also helps to make better decision and communicate much better.